Nowadays, I have tons of assignments to do~~~
Assignmentssss +presentation make me crazy man~~~~
So tired~~~
God blessssss!!!! I'm not in the mood of doing assignments nowadayss~~
Tmr is the English midterm exam~~~ and the following week which is next tues is the HD midterm~~~ die~~
Not really knw what is HD actually about~~~
Not yet start reading~~
Die lo~~~~~~ y do v hav this kind of subject???? Faint~~~~~ god bless ~~~~ pls~~~
Tired man~~~ im so lazy!!!! Omg!!! Kong joan!!! Wake up!!! You cannot be lazzy!!! Exam is coming soon!!!!! Dun be lazyyy!!cheer up!!
Ganbatte~~~ aza aza fighting~~~~~
You can do it!!!!! God blesss~~~~ omituofo~~~~ XD
Actually, what can I say about me???
I'm not a good roommate and im a useless roommate
My roommate was not feeling well and she was felt sick~~
I don't know how to take care of her instead of doing my own work~~~
=.=lllll sweat~~
Im really a bad roommate ~~~
Seriously~~~ im not really know how to take care of a person~~ even I cant really take care of myself~~~ =.=lllll >boom<
I'm quite envy of her because she had a perfect , super good parent and a good friend
Her parent is coming her from her hometown(Johor) and her good friend is coming here with a bag of medicine in the midnight~~
So good!!!! She felt so touch until her tears drop~~~ haih~~~ she so happiness(hao xing fu o~~~)
She should appreciate them~~~ hehe~~
Sigh~~~ hope she will getting well soon and can attend for the test tmr~~
God bless her~~~ ^_^
Okay~~ that's all for now~~
Cya~~ ja neh~~~ ^_^